Missions Appeal

Dear Missionary Friend,

After a very tumultuous year, I would like to extend my best wishes and prayers for a blessed, happy, and healthy New Year.  As our founder of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, Father Thomas Judge, C.M. stated, “A New Year is being given to us.  May it be blessed with blessing upon blessing for you.  What has it in store for us?  What God wills. May this Will be praised and adored – and done!”

Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity truly seek first to glorify the Triune God.  We follow in the footsteps of the Apostles who, filled with the Holy Spirit, went forth from the Cenacle to spread everywhere the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.  Your generous gift will help the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity continue with our many vital missions.

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This year provides us with new opportunities and ask you for your support in making our wishes a reality. The following is a list of our goals for 2021:

At our Motherhouse in Philadelphia, we need to upgrade our internet access and purchase IT equipment. Our sisters have a vital need to communicate with our sisters, family, and friends located across the United States, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.  It will be necessary to conduct meetings and online training sessions.

Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat, in Holy Trinity, Alabama, is where our founder, Fr. Thomas Augustine Judge, held Mass for a small group of lay volunteers who answered his plea for help in the Southland.  Incorporated in 1917, it became the birthplace of the Trinitarians. Mother Boniface was our first General Custodian. BTSR not only keeps Fr. Judge’s chapel on our 1,200-acre site but continues to serve people of all faiths who come to our doors.

Since the pandemic, we are focused on our overall operating costs of the property. Upon entry to the property, guests approach three beautiful gardens. These gardens require upkeep year-round. Our Shrine Retreat has a beautiful Grotto where many guests can faithfully sit and enjoy the beauty and silence that surrounds them. We also maintain 12 miles of walking trails enjoyed by guests year-round. This maintenance includes gravel, the use of machines to clear the paths, as well as labor costs. Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat would like donors to sponsor many of these operating costs.

Mother Boniface Spirituality Center in Philadelphia welcomed many groups throughout the year for day, weekend, and week-long retreats, workshops, Bible studies, youth, young adult and family ministries. However, the pandemic has shifted our focus. We need to improve our videoconferencing capabilities to continue to offer a variety of online programs at the Center. This improvement will require purchases of computers, cameras, webcams, smart televisions, and cables.

Trinita, located in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains in Connecticut, has been a mission of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity since 1923.  At Trinita, the staff and volunteers provide a ministry to area parishes, youth groups, prayer groups, men and women groups, and unique programs such as the Family Life Development program.  The pandemic requires Trinita to upgrade its internet and telecommunications. This upgrade will require an upgrade to an annual internet service, new computers, webcams, and cables. We are hoping to continue our summer Family Life program this summer.

We are very excited to embark on these opportunities. We ask for your support to accomplish these essential goals in 2021 to spread the good news and works of Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity. Please help us to remember those in need of our love, support, and guidance.

May you remain safe, healthy, and blessed in 2021!

In the Trinity,

Sr. Marie Frechette, MSBT

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